Kid's stuff

Friday, March 06, 2009

My Little Entrepreneurs

It would appear that, in one respect at least, my children have taken more after my eldest's godfather Ryan, than either myself or Theia.

My kids have shown initiative I never did as a child; they play "selling" games. 

One of my daughter Tala's favorite things to do with her little blue play table is turn it on its side and "sell ice cream." At first we had to explain to her that WE are supposed to pay HER for the ice cream as opposed to the other way around, but she caught on pretty quickly.  She doesn't do it much these days, but I hope the entrepreneurial instinct is something she remembers when she gets older; it could serve her well.

My son Apel, however, really floored me with his enterprising spirit. When his mother told him he could buy a toy (I think it was either Lego or a Bakugan, I'm not sure) if he raised enough money, he took the same blue play table his sister uses to peddle her imaginary ice cream, put it in our driveway in front of our gate, and started selling lemonade. His product, of course, came from the lemon juice I had bought in order to make lemon squares for some occasion or other, and initially cost, if I recall correctly, something seventy pesos or in the region of a dollar-fifty a glass before he reduced to something a little more sane. Of course, his best customer in the end was his grandmother, my mom, but between the two of them, these children have shown, this early, a potential for self-sufficiency I don't believe I ever did. 

This is definitely something worth cultivating. It may be imaginary ice cream and lemonade today, but with the right instincts, who knows what they'll be able to hawk tomorrow. For as long as it's legal and something that will sell well, I will throw my full support behind them.